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HIST 342 - The World Since 1945

This guide is intended to support students enrolled in History 342 at California State Northridge by introducing resources and critical thinking skills that support the completion of required research assignments and the growth of information literacy ski

Locating Shelved Books with LC Call Numbers for History

D : History (General) and History of Europe

D: General History

D111-203 Medieval history
D204-893 Modern History

DA: Great Britain

DA20-690 England
DA700-745 Wales
DA750-890 Scotland
DA900-995 Ireland

DAW: Central Europe
DB: History of Austria, Austro-Hungarian Empire
DC: France, Andorra, Monaco
DD: Germany
DE: Greco-Roman World
DF: Greece
DG: Italy - Malta
DH: Low countries, Benelux Countries (Belgium, Luxembourg)
DJ: Netherlands (Holland)
DJK: Eastern Europe (General)
DK: Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland

DL: Northern Europe, Scandivavia

DL101-291 Denmark
DL301-398 Iceland
DL401-596 Norway
DL607-991 Sweden
DL 1002-1180 Finland

DP: Spain, Portugal
DQ: Switzerland

DR: Balkan Peninsula

DR51-98 Bulgaria
DR 201-296 Romania
DR401-741 Turkey
DR901-998 Albania
DR1202-2285 Yugoslavia

DS: Asia

DS701-799.9 China
DS801-897 Japan


DT43-154 Egypt
DT181-346 Maghrib, Barbary States
DT365-469 Eastern Africa
DT470-671 West Africa
DT1701-2405 South Africa

DU: Oceania (South Seas - Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia)

DX: Gypsies

E-F : History, America

E: American and the United States History (general)

E11-143 America 
E151 - 889 United States

F: United States (local) and America Outside of U.S. History

F1-975 United States Local History
F1001-1145.2 British and Dutch America (including Canada)
F1170 French America
F1201-3799 Latin America, Spanish America

Finding Book Reviews

Reading book reviews can help you decide whether or not a particular book contains information that will assist you in learing more about your research topic.  A book review also can be an effective resource for evaluating a particular book and determining how scholars and other reviewers received the work.  In scholarly History Journals, a book review will often place the author's work in context and describe how the monograph contributes to existing historical literature and/or historiographical debates.


You can locate reviews of History Books by searching the following databases and resources. You will often need to limit your search to book reviews within each search screen to make certain you only retrieve book reviews in your search results.

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