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This research guide is for the Department of Nursing. Use it to find resources and conduct research in nursing via the CSUN University Library

Communication Disorders, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Assistive Technologies Librarian- contact information: email: ' (818)677-3012

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Marcia Henry
California State University Northridge

Quick Guide CSUN University Library Nursing - 2018 - 2024 NURS 306, 303, 310

Paper Assignment summer 2021 NURS 303

This paper prepares you to think critically, write in APA format, and increase your knowledge of evidence-based culturally sensitive practice.

1.     Articles: Find research reports (total of five) from PubMed or CINAHL database using key search terms for your identified culture/ethnic group. Must be from peer-reviewed source. HINT: see Medical Subject headings (MeSh)  for
2.     Review, critique and summarize main findings of the research report
3.     Upload your completed paper to Canvas [Paper will go through Turnitin for originality check]

a.     APA style  (includes title page, abstract, APA headings, & properly formatted references and citations.  If you quote more 3 or more words, it must be marked as quote; NO excessive quoting allowed.)

b.     Overall your paper should demonstrate the following:

1)    CRITICAL THINKING:  Not a description. Analysis of assumptions, goals, methods.  Where are problems likely to occur and how could they be solved?  (For example, how could conflicts be prevented or resolved? What is the goal of each culture?  What might surprise the patient or the RN and how could these issues be overcome? 

2)    CURRENT nursing evidence (research & literature from last 5 years)

3)    COMMUNICATION: Format & style      

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