Keywords are words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your ad can appear. Metadata is "data that provides information about other data (books, articles, primary sources, etc.)", but not the content of the data, such as the text of a message or the image itself. Language matters in searching and writing.
"In the last few years, there has been a growing number of what are called “keywords” texts. These texts invite scholars to contribute definitions to emerging vocabularies in particular disciplines and can be used somewhat like glossaries. New York University Press has published eight books in its Keywords Series in the last few years."
For more information read, Metadata Justice: At the Intersection of Social Justice and Cataloging (Association of College and Research Libraries, 2019)
The AAPI/ API diaspora in the United States is made up of the following countries which can be used as keywords in a search. This is a short list to use in your searches and by no means represents all keywords for Asian American Studies.
- China
- Japan
- Japanese
- Korea
- Philippines
- ​Filipino (or, Pinoy)
- Samoa
- Samoan
- Vietnam
- Laos
- Camboadia
- Taiwan
- Fijii
- India
- Thailand
- Myanmar
- Malaysia
- Indonesia
- Singapore
- Timor
- Brunei
- Afghanistan
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Maldives
- Bhutan
- Papua New Guinea
- Hawaii