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CHS 245: History of the Americas


If you're doing keyword searching to find more information on your topic, you can try some tips to get better results.

Often you might be looking for information on a concept where there several different related terms that authors might use. For example, if you want to find out more about Chicana feminist history, some authors might use the term Chicana, others might use the term Latina, or other authors might use more terms. This might depend on the author's background, focus, discipline, or the time they were writing. You can use some tricks to incorporate more of these terms at once

( OR )
You can use multiple terms in parentheses, separated by an uppercase OR, and results will show up if they have any one of the terms

If you are looking for multiple forms of the same word, like Latina, Latinas, Latinx, or Latinidad, you'll notice they all start with Latin-. You can search for Latin* with that asterisk, and you'll get all forms of those terms.

You can combine these tips to get a search that looks like this:
(Latin* OR Chican* OR Hispanic OR "Mexican American") feminis*

This will give you any result that has either the word feminist or feminism, and then one of the forms of the terms in the parentheses.

Search results from OneSearch with the following words highlighted: Chicanas, Latinas, Mexican American, Chicana, Feminist

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