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This guide is designed to serve as a tool to help one get information about published and unpublished educational, psychological, and vocational tests and measurements. Another purpose of the guide is that of providing access to information about the general subject of testing.

The University Library does not keep any psychological tests but does have databases (e.g. PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, ERIC, and PubMed) and reference books with descriptions, reviews and critiques of testing instruments. The users can also locate contact information about the publishers of the tests that they are seeking. With this information, the user will learn the cost and availability of the tests, and how to go about getting them.

Keep in mind of the following information:

  • Finding specific tests and measurements can be challenging. In some cases, you will find only a description or review of the test and not the test itself.
  • Not all tests are readily available. In order to obtain and administer many published* psychological tests (commercial tests), one must be a licensed professional or meet certain criteria; also, many published tests are only available through purchase.
  • Non-published** or non-commercial tests may be obtained more easily. They can appear in books, journal articles, or in other sources. Identifying and locating them may take some time and patience.
  • In brief, there is no quick, easy, one-stop shop, guaranteed way of finding tests and measures. Finding them requires looking in several different print and/or electronic sources.

*Published: Widely-used tests with established validity, reliability and norms (e.g., standardized tests); usually commercially published and must be ordered or purchased from a publisher.

**Non-published: Non-commercial tests that have been developed or modified for controlled research studies. Some may have established validity and reliability, some may not. Sometimes printed in articles or books.

Test Reviews

Noncommercial (Free) Instruments

psycTESTS (The University Library does not subscribe to this database)

  • PsycTESTS is an APA research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration. Focuses primarily on unpublished tests, those developed by researchers but not made commercially available. Over 80% of the content is the full text of the test.

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