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COMS 312: Health Communication

Welcome and Introduction

The following Library and internet resources are geared toward CSUN students studying the relationship between communication and health and well-being across a variety of contexts, including in interpersonal relationships, provider-patient interactions, and mediated contexts.

Search Strategies

Check out this video to learn how to manipulate your search to get the resources you need.

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are used to connect two, or more, keywords together as a way to narrow or expand your search results.

AND - narrows your topic; only results with the terms 'women' and 'media' found in the title, subject heading or description will be shown.

OR - expands your topic; useful when you want to add to your results; this terms works well when using synonyms as keywords.

NOT - removes results; if your keyword can be defined in multiple ways. For example, 'image' can mean pictures but it could also be related to body image or self-esteem.

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