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COMS 312: Health Communication


Health Statistics are available in a number of resources including: published sources, unpublished or "grey" literature, and various government and private sources on the internet.  However, these statistics and data are not as easily retrieved as more conventional scholarly literature that is organized in bibliographic databases.

It is important to be aware of the fact that the statistics or data you need for your assignment or research may be hiding in the deep structure of a report or table. This can mean that a simple search may fail to retrieve all of the relevant material you require.

Health Sciences and General Statistics Databases

National Center for Health Statistics

Provides US public health statistics including diseases, pregnancies, births, aging, and mortality.

State Health Facts

Provided by Kaiser a non-profit organization focusing on national health issues, as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. Information, always provided free of charge — from the most sophisticated policy research, to basic facts and numbers, to in depth health policy news coverage provided by the news service, KHN, to information on health reform law.

California Department of Healthcare Services 

Statistics and Reports produced by Department programs as well as links to other data related to DHCS programs. 

UCLA Center for Health Policy Research - Data Sources 

The Center improves the public’s health through high-quality, objective, and evidence-based research and data that informs effective policymaking. We advance this mission through policy analysis, policy-relevant research, public service, community partnership, media relations, and education. 


Free online web tool that enables users of all skill levels to search for health statistics on their county, region, or statewide, using data from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS).

California's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)

The leader in collecting data and disseminating information about California's healthcare infrastructure.

California Healthcare Atlas 

Maps help to visualize healthcare information and enhance our understanding of California's healthcare landscape.

California Healthcare Atlas is an interactive, Internet GIS mapping application that enables users to find and get information about hospitals and healthcare facilities. This web-based query system offers a variety of healthcare-related maps and reports.

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