Searching film/TV sources
Since films and television programs are sometimes adapted from literature, you will want search the director in addition to the film/program title as one way to specifically target sources pertaining to the film/tv program, and NOT the book.
- Open OneSearch "Advanced" search
- In the first search box, select "Title" search, and "contains exact phrase"
- Enter the exact title of the film or television program
- In the second search bar add the director's last name
- Click "Search" to view a results list displaying all formats
Your results list can be used for general resources about a film to compile a bibliography. You can try adding a third search bar to add the term "reviews" to further refine your list.
Figure 1: Advanced combination search for "title" and "director"

Use the 'Resource Type' filter in the left toolbar to display only articles, books, or other available formats in your results list. Click "Peer-reviewed Journals" filter to display only scholarly articles.
Figure 2: Example of the 'Resource Type' filter

Searching for director interviews or other sources
To locate interviews with directors, repeat the above process by replacing the TITLE of the film/program with the first and last name of the director, then try adding "interviews" into the second search bar to refine the list, or use the filters to isolate other resource types for a bibliography.