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ENGL 364OL: The Short Story


Use the databases below to find scholarly criticism about your authors and short stories. 

Using OneSearch to find Scholarly criticism

Another place to check for books on your topic is OneSearch.  Here are some quick tips for effective searches:

If you are looking for books by a writer, go to the Advanced Search and search for "author / contributor" (last name first).

If you want books about an author, search by "Subject" (last name first).

Most books by and about an author are shelved together, so once you have a few call numbers, you can browse.

If you're looking for a particular short story or an essay, a Keyword search works best.  It may be in an anthology, far away from other books by or about its author.

Some examples of subject headings are:

Short stories, American--Women authors
Short stories, American--African American authors
Short stories, American--Indian authors
If you discover a book, chapter, or essay by using the MLA Bibliography, search OneSearch for the title of the book to see if we own it.

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