The books listed below may help you identify short stories or authors.
OneSearch is a meta database that you can use to search through many of our online database, and also our print and online book collection.
Short stories are located in various areas throughout the library. Some collections of short stories have themes, but most are characterized by the subgenre (mystery, science fiction), the time or location of composition (19th century, Western states), or the identity of the author(s), who are usually described in OneSearch by ethnicity, gender, national origin, or other distinguishing social characteristic. Thus combining the phrase "short stories" with a suitable descriptor will usually find a collection of stories to choose from. For example, try "short stories latino" or "short stories lesbian" or "short stories jewish". Once you've done that, you can narrow your search by choosing "Books" under "Resource Type."
Once you've found some collections, look at the page for the book, and scroll down until you reach the "Subjects" field under "Details." The subject headings are hyperlinked - to see other short story collections on a similar top, choose the subject and OneSearch will give you all our books with that specific subject heading.
(Adapted from
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