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Instructional Assets

Videos & Infographics for librarians to include in LibGuides, made accessible

Online Instruction Toolbox

Please suggest any changes in this collaborative Google Doc or email Ding.


Basic Tips

Communicating with faculty

Consider sharing this instruction guide with your faculty, which includes the instruction request form, sample assignments, course materials resources, and Canvas module information. 


Different ways of teaching online

LibGuides are great for one-shot sessions, so are Canvas pages, discussion forums etc. 

To create more interactive activities for your instructional content, consider creating a Canvas module using announcements, discussion posts, quizzes, and/or other features listed in the Canvas section.


Slideshow and video recording

If you already have a slideshow, you can also record it and send to your students. 

  • Refer to the YouTube section for more details.

  • Check out our campus IT software solutions that will support the creation of video recordings of presentations that can be provided for students either via Canvas or a link in YouTube via Zoom. In addition to Camtasia software being available, our campus has also just purchased the new software called Panopto. Panopto is offered as a built in lecture recording function within Canvas and is available to download in Software Center.



What account should I use?

For course-level content, use your personal account. If you have a topic that is interdisciplinary and you think could benefit more than one subject, please contact Ding to access the library account.


How do I add closed captioning?

Check out this guide to use and improve YouTube’s auto-generated closed captioning and/or this guide for more details about captioning in YouTube



Where do I start?


What additional resources can I find?

  • Reach out to us anytime if you have questions!

  • Consider joining in the Remote Teaching Community Canvas site by FacDev to interact and share ideas with other CSUN faculty about teaching remotely. There you will find resources and discussion forums on key topics including, Managing Remote Classrooms, Building Community Online, Keeping Students Engaged, and Promoting Academic Honesty. 



Getting Started 

  • IT’s page on Zoom:

  • IT created a YouTube playlist to get you started with Zoom

  • Make sure you are using your CSUN Zoom Pro account to get the most features and IT support for any issues that may arise. 

  • It is normal your students might not turn on cameras during the session. Many times some students may use a mobile device to join the Zoom. Be prepared to utilize a variety of interactive activities to engage your students. Be mindful, however, that students have the right not to turn on their camera or show their real name per FERPA protection - their course instructor will be aware of their request to do this.

  • Update: Information Technology will make passcodes a default setting for all Zoom meetings as of Friday, August 14, 2020. All Zoom meetings scheduled after this date will automatically default to having a passcode, embedded into the Zoom generated meeting link.  Meeting attendees will still only require this one link to access a meeting. Existing meetings will need their links regenerated and shared with attendees.


Scheduling meeting


Fun features


Managing classroom

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