In addition to the database links below, our book catalog is to use OneSearch. Please be sure to view two short videos. Follow the link and 2 videos wil be offered, How to Find Books and Finding books on shelves. View each video
How to find books | Finding books on shelves |
Books on Assisstive Technologies are classified in a variety of Library of Congress call numbers, In print they are scattered on Floors 2, 3 and/or 4. Additional locations are the Reserve Book Room(Floor 4 East), Stored(ASRS East), and the Learning Commons. Check catalog for Floor and call number. There are a growing number of electronic books. Here is a link to search for only ebooks on the terms assistive technologies - assistive technolog* limited to ebooks
Searching: Use the Library Catalog to find books on a topic. If you don't know a specific title, then start with a KEYWORD search. The following link search the catalog with a SUBJECT HEADING
Using OneSearch type in your keywords and click Go.
Click on the 'Books' filter under 'Resource Type' on the left-hand side of the search results. You will find books on your subject (like these examples pictured below), both in print and electronic formats.