This library guide will serve the online courses for the MS degree in Assistive Technology:Health and Human Services
Here is a key word search using truncation symbol * for assistive technolog* limited to ebooks
Searching: Use the Library Catalog to find books on a topic. OneSearch contains our book catalog. You many not know the subject headings but you can start with a keyword search of your topic such as Assistive Technology contained in the title.
The following links search the catalog for books by some known subject heading you may have identified examining catalog records for books you identified with the above keyword search
The best way to find articles on a specific topic is to search in a database, most of which index thousands of articles in thousands of journals. Not all articles are available full-text online; some are in print only and some are not available from the Library except through interlibrary loan. To determine the availability of an article, most databases offer a link to Find Text if article is not already attached to the citation.
List of Databases can be found at
To see if CSUN owns a journal, Please check
To assist you in finding the journal articles, the CSUN list of Electronic Periodicals and bibliographic databases offer Find Text links. Periodical databases now provide full text access possibilities where the database is limited to citation or abstract.
If CSUN does not own the journal title you need,, you may request articles using the Interlibrary Loan service or the CSU+
Get a digital copy from another library (terms to be supplied). GET IT button activates request., See
Some examples of journals we subscribe to currently online is:
A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number used to identify an electronic article.
It provides a permament link to the article.
Many citation styles, including APA, want the DOI added to the citation. See the following example
If you copy and paste the Doi to see if CSUN has access, use the Search Citation Linker at
and paste the doi number (the example in the PDF was 10.1080/09638280701618661 into the Doi box for Articles as seen below
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