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Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (ELPS)

Advanced OneSearch

What is OneSearch? 

OneSearch is the University Library's searching tool to locate book, ebooks, articles, videos and more provided by the Library. OneSearch has been adopted by all 23 CSU libraries giving the CSU system a shared platform to collaborate and share resources. 

What am I searching with OneSearch? 

By default, with OneSearch you are searching the following University Library collections together: 

  • Articles - A interdisciplinary collection of millions of articles from numerous databases and providers. Note that this will not show all articles from all databases. 

  • Books and Media (CSUN) - Books, ebooks, DVDs, music, streaming media and more available through the University Library. This also includes material located in the Teacher Curriculum Center, Music & Media, Map Library, and Special Collections & Archives.

Additionally the following collections are not included in the default search, but can be selected by the user: 

  • Course Reserves - Course materials placed in the library by professors and available for short term checkout. 

  • All CSU Libraries (CSU+) -Includes the books and media collections of all 23 campus libraries as well as articles that can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. 

OneSearch Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search feature to help you find specific items by title or author name, material type or publication date range.  Click on Advanced Search under "More Search Options" in the OneSearch box on the library home page.  If you are in One Search, click on "Advanced Search" to the right of the search box.   To learn more advanced search strategies, click on the search strategy tips tab on the left.  


Setting Up Google Scholar with Your CSUN ID

When you search in Google Scholar, you will see links and abstracts for articles that are both open access (free) and those that are behind paywalls.  If an article is not open access, but is part of one of a CSUN subscription that allows full access, you will be able to link to the full article if you set up your Google Scholar to use your CSUN account as a proxy.   Open the PDF below for step by step instructions (it is very easy and quick!) 


ERIC: Education Resource Information Center Database

What is ERIC?

ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) contains records and full-text documents records for a variety of education-related resources, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, units of study, lesson plans, and policy papers. It also has an education-specific thesaurus to help refine your concepts and search terms. 

How to Access ERIC?

You may access ERIC directly via ERIC (U.S. Department of Education) or through some of our subscription databases, ERIC (EBSCO) and ERIC (ProQuest). All provide access to the same data, but their interfaces are different.  Scroll down to see videos on how to use each interface and learn about their different features.  

Other Databases Specializing in Education Topics

These databases focus on publications within the field of education. 

Databases Specializing in Relates and Interdisciplinary Topics

Use these databases when looking at education issues form an interdisciplinary perspective for broader perspectives on education issues

General Interdisciplinary Databases 

Dissertations and Theses Databases

Ethnic & Gender Studies Databases 

Using ERIC (Department of Education)


Using ERIC (ProQuest)

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