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Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (ELPS)

Using Limiters / Filters

Use limiters to limit by date, publication, peer reviewed, etc. 

Using Advanced Search Options

Use Advanced Search Option to separate and clarify search terms & keywords


  1. Set Preferences to Autocomplete search suggestions On.   

  2. .Database with suggests alternative keywords, synonyms as you type. Select one and click to fill in search box.

Using Citations to Find Articles

If the article isn't available full text in the database you are searching, click Check for Availability. A new window will open to see if we have access to the full text through another database or in print.

Databases Focusing Global Majority Perspectives

Citation Justice and Research 

Citation Justice or Inclusive Citation is a practice rooted in theories of intersectionality. Through citation justice, scholars engage in critical awareness of how the systems of academic publication create barriers to equity for all perspectives to be heard. A citation justice practice works to remedy these injustices through purposeful use of diverse citations and critical expansion of definitions of authority that were historically created to exclude or silence.  One strategy is to include in your research databases that are curated to provide research from the lens of specific identities based on ethnicity, culture, race, gender, or other factors.


Searching Multiple Databases from a Vendor

Search multiple subject databases at once

  1. Clicking "Choose Databases" within a subject database.  

  2. Select databases you want and click OK

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