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HSCI 438: International Health

Using Books

Using academic/scholarly books on your topic can be a great way of gaining introductory information on a global health issue you are examining. Unlike journal articles, books do a better job of providing an overview of a topic. They can also assist you in narrowing down your topic or finding an aspect of the topic you may want to analyze further.  

Remember, you do not need to read the entire book! Use as much of the book as you need.

Try using the table of contents or the index (located in the back of the book) to find chapters or pages that are relevant to your research. 


How Do I Search for Books?

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Finding Books Using OneSearch

You can search for books using OneSearch by typing in the title, author or keywords in the homepage OneSearch form.  Once the results page loads, you can use the limiters in the menus under "Refine My Results" to narrow your results. Selecting "books" under "Resource Type" will limit the results to eBooks and print books.  For eBooks only, select "Available Online at CSUN" under "Show Only"; for print books only, select "Available at CSUN" under "Show Only."  

Click the title heading of any given result item to view the full record.  In the full record, under "Online Access" you'll find the direct link to electronic text, if available. Ebooks can have different number of user access. Check in the notes section to see how many users can read the book at any given time.  The "Send To" menu offers tools for citing, emailing, or saving a record as a favorite.

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