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Library Instruction Liaison Outreach Guide

This guide is intended to offer suggestions about library instruction liaison outreach efforts.

Accreditation Report Requests/Program Review

Even if you are not the Bibliographer for the Department/Program/Discipline, as you provide Library Instruction Support as the Instruction Liaison, you may still be asked to help provide data and statistics on how many students attended Library Instruction Sessions at the CSUN University Library.



Where to Find Instructional Data About Your Liaison Department/Program

Run a Report in Resource Scheduler ( )
Refer to the training LibGuide on Resource Scheduler or contact the Library Instruction Coordinator (lynn, for assistance if you are unfamiliar with how to run reports to gather information on courses taught by department.

To Obtain Older Instructional Data From the Previous Booking System (MRM Meeting Room Manager) email the Library Instruction Coordinator (lynn,

For questions about running reports please contact the Library Instruction Coordinator (lynn,

Learn More About Program Review & Accreditation

At CSUN, Program Review is a comprehensive evaluation of each certificate and degree program once every seven years for improvement and accountability. The Office of Academic Assessment and Program Review's website (OAAPR) contains important resources that explain the self-study report process that may lead your liaison department/program to reach out to you for data about how their students interact with the library in the area of teaching and learning.

As a liaison librarian, you are able to consult the OOAPR's Official Calendar to help you anticipate when a department/program may be reaching out for data re: library instruction etc. 

Other Important Resources

Consult the Library's WASC Information web page for more information and annual statistics that will help you when you are working on liaison accreditation data requests.

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