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Library Instruction Liaison Outreach Guide

This guide is intended to offer suggestions about library instruction liaison outreach efforts.

Sample Best Practices for Instructional Liaisons

  • Make contact with the chair or director of your liaison department or program and ask to be invited to a future department meeting to discuss your role and the support you offer.
  • Reach out individually to department/program faculty/instructors about their student's information literacy and research needs to foster a dialogue about potential learning outcomes or goals for future library instruction
  • Offer and promote your virtual, and in-person office hours to your liaison departments and programs
  • Remind your department/program faculty/instructors that you are also available for their graduate students for research consultations upon request as these students are working on long-term projects and master's theses

Proactive Approaches


  • Be aware of changes in curriculum/new courses (the Library receives curricular changes from the Educational Policies Committee) and you will receive reports of curricular changes via email. You may also review the most recent agendas of the Educational Policies Committee (which include reports of proposals and approved new courses and curricular modifications by department .
  • Identify Course Readings (consult links in within each course listing in the Schedule of Classes)
  • Research disciplinary information literacy standards
  • Identify and target strategic classes by examining the CSUN University Catalog

Resources & Supports

  • Make sure to check the CSUN Schedule of Classes prior to each semester, and after the semester starts, to see which faculty are teaching what classes are being taught in your liaison departments/programs
  • Regularly consult your liaison department(s)/program(s) websites and faculty directories to keep abreast of news and staff
  • Check the Colleges website to locate your Department and Programs and consult any posted calendar of events and programs that may be great places to network with your liaison faculty.
  • Request to be put on the mailing list to receive a copy of your liaison department's/program's newsletter

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