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Library Instruction Liaison Outreach Guide

This guide is intended to offer suggestions about library instruction liaison outreach efforts.

Connecting with Faculty in Liaison Departments Assignments

  • Attend a Department Meeting (ask for an invite)
  • Attend Department/Program Events (consult Dept./Prog Website)
  • Attend or Volunteer to be a Judge at Student Research Programs and competitions (Undergraduate/Graduate)
  • Attend Faculty Development Workshops
  • Send a Welcome Letter to All New Hires Attending Faculty Orientation and check in on them to see how they are doing during their first
    If you would like to see a sample letter please request one from the Library Instruction Coordinator (
  • Invite Your Department/Program Faculty to Special Library Events and Programming



Strategies for Instructional Outreach

Communicate via Email or Develop a Blog or Newsletter 

Set Up Personal Meetings with Liaison Dept/Program Faculty

Obtain a List of all new Lecturers before each academic year and tech out to welcome each lecturer

Identify Key Stakeholders in your assigned departments/programs

Make campus connections by attending non-curricular department events such as:

  • Student Research Competitions, Showcases, Performances
  • Attend Department Welcome/Orientation Events

Outreach Communication Tips to Foster Library Instruction Requests

  • Go Beyond Emailing Just the Department Chair or Listserv
  • Email Faculty Individually After Seeing What Courses They Teach
  • Identify influential departmental contacts, departmental programs and student services, culture and communication styles.
  • Share Links to LibGuides You Create to Support Dept/Program Courses and Discipline

Inform Departments & Programs About Library Programming


  • Create and maintain effective library instruction course libguides, tutorials, videos, and other learning objects.
  • Send out an outreach letter each semester (for template contact Library Instruction Coordinator:
  • Personally Invite Faculty to Attend an upcoming CSUN Library Event to Meet with You

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