For additional style manuals, search enter "Journalism Style Manuals" in the Onesearch search box and submit search. Select the “Advanced Search” link at top right. In the drop down menu under "searching for" select "subject." From the material type drop down, select "books" and/or "electronic books."
For books by or about specific people, enter the name of the person in Onesearch and submit search. Select the “Advanced Search” link on the top right. In the drop down menu under "searching for" select "Subject" or “Author.” From the material type drop down menu, select "books."
To search for collections of biographies by type of person or profession, search OneSearch using the person’s name or profession and biography, for example: politician and biography. Submit search. Select “books” under “Resource Type” in the left column.
The Biography Index (Wilson) covers biographical information from more than 2,700 English-language periodicals; as well as books, autobiographies, bibliographies, biographies, critical studies, fiction, drama, pictorial works, poetry, juvenile literature, obituaries, journals, collections of letters, book reviews, and interviews.
ABYZ Newspapers & News Media Guide
Gale Directory Library: Online access to directories: Brands and their Companies; Business Rankings Annual; Consultants and Consulting Organizations Directory; Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.; Market Share Reporter; and Scholarships, Fellowships & Loans. (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory provides detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types published worldwide, including basic circulation data and publisher information)
Who Owns the News Media, The State of the News Media (Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism)
Who Owns What: Columbia Journalism Review ("guide to what the major media companies own")
For additional encyclopedias related to journalism, enter "mass media and encyclopedias" and submit search. Select the “Advanced Search” link at top right. From the material type drop down, select "books" and/or "electronic books."
Encyclo (Neiman Journalism Lab)
Sage Knowledge
Includes online access to full-text reference sources such as Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook, Encyclopedia of Journalism, and Encyclopedia of New Media.
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