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Research resources for Journalism students

General Statistics Sources

Bureau of Transportation Statistics (Gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. federal agencies)

Social Security Administration

Education Statistics

The Condition of Education (Important educational developments and trends)

Digest of Education Statistics (A compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school)

National Center for Education Statistics (primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education)

International Statistics

International Statistical Agencies (U.S. Census compiled list of countries)

UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Culture and communication statistics)

World FactBook (CIA) (Covers history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities)


Demographic Statistics

Explore Census Data (Population, housing, economic, and geographic data from the U.S. Census.)

2010 Census (Quick access and description of the latest Census of Population and Housing.)

Disability: U.S. Census Bureau

Foreign Born: U.S. Census Bureau

Historical Statistics of the United States

Immigration Statistics: Dept. of Homeland Security

Language Use: U.S. Census Bureau (Census data on languages spoken in the United States)

Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley Statistics & Facts

Statistical Abstract of the United States

Financial Statistics

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Consumer Price Index

Data-Planet (A statistical data repository contains more than 35 billion data points from 70+ source organizations.)

IBISWorld (A business information databases that includes economic, demographic and government data to provide insight into over 700 industries in America)

IRS Tax Statistics

State of New Media (Pew Research Center Journalism & Media Statistics)

USA Trade Online (Current and cumulative U.S. export and import data. Provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level. NOTE: Available in the Library only at Reserves, Periodicals and Microform workstations 8 and 9. Select the database from Internet Explorer Favorites menu. No off-campus access.)

Health Statistics

Health United States

National Center for Health Statistics

National Health Interview Survey (NHIS data on a broad range of health topics are collected through personal household interviews)

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