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Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Provide resources for research on modern and classical languages and literatures.

Library of Congress Classification System

The University Library shelves books according to the Library of Congress classification system. Because Library of Congress organizes books by subject, you can use the system to browse the stacks and find books that you might be interested in, all in the same area. Below are some of the subclasses in the class of Language and Literature (P-PZ) that may be helpful to look for while browsing the stacks. To learn more about the Library of Congress classification system, click here.

PA Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature.
PC 1001 - 1977 Italian
PC 2001 - 3761 French
PC 4001 - 4977 Spanish
PJ 4501 - 5192 Hebrew
PJ 6001 -8517 Arabic
PK 6201 - 6599.7 New Persian
PK 8001 - 8832 Armenian
PL 501 - 889 Japanese
PL 901 - 998 Korean
PL 1001 - 3208 Chinese

Finding Books Using Library of Congress Classification

How Call Numbers Work

Book shelf showing call numbers, 3 arrows pointing to 3 parts of call number.
  • Figure 1: Books are shelved alphabetically by the first letter or letters.
  • Figure 2: Books are then arranged numerically by the number following the letter(s).
  • Figure 3: Finally, books are shelved alphabetically by the next letter and decimally by the following number.

What does the call number mean?

The Library of Congress Classification arranges materials by subjects. The first sections of the call number represent the subject of the book. The letter-and-decimal section of the call number often represents the author's last name. And, as you recall, the last section of a call number is often the date of publication. example:

call number example with 3 figures
  • Figure 1:
    • Book's title: What You Need to Know About Developing Study Skills, Taking Notes & Tests, Using Dictionaries & Libraries.  
    • Author: Coman, Marcia J.
    • Call number: LB2395 .C65 1991
  • Figure 2: The first two lines describe the subject of the book, LB 2395 = Methods of Study, in Higher Education.
  • Figure 3: This line often represents author's last name. .C65 = Coman

Because books are classified by subject, you can often find several helpful books on the same shelf, or nearby. For example, within the same call number LB2395, there are other guides for college study.

Four items shelved left to right with call numbers LB 2395.C6 1960, LB 2395.C65 1991, LB 2395.L447, KB 2395.054 1983
  • Figure 1: A Student's Guide to Efficient Study, by Luella Cole.
  • Figure 2: Keys to College Success, by Minnette Lenier.
  • Figure 3: A Successful Student's Handbook, by Rita Phipps.

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