Interested in obtaining a copy of specific psychological tests? There are different avenues to try. Tests fall under one of two categories:
- Commercial, published (generally cost money to obtain)
- Noncommercial, unpublished (generally free, but may be harder to obtain)
Some tests can be found easily online using an online search engine, like Google or Bing. Other tests may require searching through databases, journal articles, dissertations, etc. (See below.) Certain tests (commercial/published) are only available for purchase from the publisher that owns the test. Publishers sometimes grant permission to a free test copy for research purposes, but the researcher may have to contact them with a request and explain why a copy is needed. Finally, some tests may only be obtained from test authors, requiring the researcher to contact that author and hope for a positive response.
If searching for information about a certain test (as opposed to an actual test copy) information may be obtained through searching online (try Google Scholar in addition to regular search engines), or searching through databases and journal articles. Scroll down for sources to try:
- University Library Databases
- Public Databases & Web Resources