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COMS 446: Rhetoric of Crime and Punishment

Welcome and Introduction

The following Library and internet resources are geared toward CSUN students studying the rhetoric of crime and punishment and related issues. 

Using Keywords and Boolean Operators

Keywords can be combined with other keywords using the AND operator to narrow your topic.

  • criminal trial AND rhetoric
  • closing argument AND verdict

Keywords can be combined with synonyms using OR to broaden your search. 

  • rhetoric OR oratory OR discourse OR speech
  • legislation OR laws

Quotation marks can be used to search phrases.

  • "closing argument"

Putting these terms in quotes means that the words will be searched as a phrase rather than each word searched separately.

Terms in quotes can be combined with Boolean operators.

  • rhetoric AND "closing argument"

Search Strategies

Check out this video to learn how to manipulate your search to get the resources you need.

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