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Teacher Curriculum Center Digital Resources

Resources for curriculum and lesson development for K-12 educators

TCC Information

Introduction to the TCC 

The Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC) has a variety of resources that can be useful developing curriculum and lessons by providing core and supplemental instructional materials, models for teaching strategies, and materials to be used in the classroom.  

Below is more information on the types of resources we have in the TCC. The tabs on the left will guide you through pages for specific types of resources, physical and online.  

Note these resources may overlap with resources on the department research guides.  Those guides focus on scholarly research on theory and practice.  

Also, supporting the College of Education's goal Excellence through Innovation to support our diverse learning communities, diversity and inclusion inform the curation of this guide, so I did not make separate sections for these categories. For example, if you are looking for Asian American literature or history resources, you will find them in the ELA, Social Studies, or interdisciplinary sections for online resources.  Likewise, the reading lists are chosen to include diverse titles.  

Berke Assessment Clinic & Library

Berke Assessment Clinic & Library

The Berke Assessment Clinic and Library is part of the Teaching, Learning, and Counseling Consortium (TLCC) in the Eisner College of Education.  This collection of psychoeducational and strength-based assessments are used by graduate students to conduct assessments.  If you are looking for these assessments, please use the contact information on their website: Berke Assessment Clinic & Library | California State University, Northridge (

Using TCC Materials to Create Your Lesson Plans

The Teacher Curriculum Center (TCC) offers materials to help new teachers design and implement curriculum and lessons.  Academic books on educational theory and studies are in our regular library collection.  The TCC is comprised of several collections based on material type and its use by teachers.  See below for descriptions of each section.  

Planning and Design Resources 

Curriculum Guides and Textbooks provide models for designing your course and individual lessons. 

Curriculum Guides (call number prefix: TCC) 

Curriculum guides are organized sets of individual lessons.  They provide detailed, long-term approaches to teaching a content area, such as third-grade mathematics or twelfth-grade social studies.  Use these as a starting point and model, not a blueprint, for organizing your expertise to meet your students' needs.  A good curriculum guide should indicate

  • goals and objectives of the units and lessons (usually tied to standards), 
  • prerequisite skills students should have or that may need to be front-loaded before proceeding with the lessons,
  • what will come after the lessons);
  • other skills/competences (such as critical thinking, problem solving, etc.) incorporated into the lessons, and
  • how these skills are involved in each kind of learning. 

By looking at a curriculum guide (rather than just a lesson) you can get ideas of how learning is sequenced and organized, and how the lesson plan fits into the whole.  

Textbooks (call number prefix: TCC) 

These are textbooks that are currently (or recently) being used in schools. Most textbooks will have a teacher's edition and supplementary materials to support using the textbook in the classroom. 

Like the curriculum, teacher materials will provide outlines for individual lessons, including assessment, preparation, and tips for differentiation and presentation. Scope and sequence charts provide information that will help pace and sequence your lessons, including scaffolding of skills and integration of other resources or supplementary material provided with the textbook. 

Engagement and Lesson Materials Resources

Our kits and juvenile book collection are also excellent resources for customizing your teaching to meet student needs and excite them about learning. 

Kits (call number prefix: TCCKT  or TCCKit) 

Kits are materials to implement delivery of lessons for groups of students or individual students. There are a large variety of kits ranging from math and phonics games to puppets to primary source and reading comprehension boxes to anatomy models to musical instrument sets from around the world. This section of the collection also has large books for group story time and posters.  

Juvenile Collection (call number prefix: TCCJV or TCCJuv) 

Our juvenile collection includes fiction and non-fiction books for grades K through 12. These are books you could use as core texts, for reading with students, or for suggesting for students to use for supplemental or independent reading. 

Big Books (call number prefix: TCCBB) 

These large books are great for story time and sharing! These are stored in special bins behind the shelves. 

Picture, Poster, and Maps Sets (call number prefix: TCCPI) 

This part of the collection contains a wide variety of set of materials such as photos to talk about emotions or diversify, art prints, maps, and other posters to support your instruction and student learning.  They are stored in large portfolio folders held in bins behind the shelves.  

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