The University Library maintains a selective collection of young adult (YA) and children's fiction and non-fiction materials as well as teacher's guides, dolls and puppets, videocassettes, games, and sound recordings. The materials are listed in OneSearch by author, title, and subject. The YA/children's book collection is designated by "Teacher Curriculum Center TCC" under Available at in OneSearch. Both the children's books and the accompanying instructional materials are housed in the Teacher Curriculum Center.
This resource will help you find new books to bring diversity and personalization to your lessons. It is also a great way to learn about new books to recommend to students for self-selected reading.
"Prekindergarten through Grade Twelve Recommended Literature List is a searchable database of books for children and teens which helps students, teachers, and families find books that entertain, inform, and explore new ideas and experiences. The list is updated annually with the latest and best in children’s and young adult literature. These selected titles should not be viewed as an all-inclusive list; districts can use it as a tool to develop their own lists and update their school and classroom libraries. Ultimately, though, the titles selected for each school and district are a local decision.
The purposes of the recommended literature list are to:
Have you had a chance to see what's new in children's literature? Last year the California Department of Education (CDE) opted to approach recommendations of literature for school libraries and classrooms through an annual recommended literature list that features new books. Each year a team of educators and librarians compile a list of newly published books that capture the imagination of our young readers.
Last year was the first for this effort, and now we have year two! These lists are suggestions for classrooms and libraries for teaching, independent, or supplemental reading and are not required. TeachingBooks has lists and support resources for these books, either the full 2023 list or segmented by grade span.
TeachingBooks’ ongoing webinars for California examine some of the books on this list and others, giving insights on the books and what might be great for your school or classroom.
Public Library Lists
For biographical information on authors or illustrators of children's works, you may use a personal name as a subject and/or perform a subject search using the following subject headings in OneSearch:
See also: Something About the Author. Teacher Curriculum Center PN 451 .S6
Provides concise biographical information and references on authors and illustrators.
The following will assist you in locating information on a variety of children's book awards. Remember that many of these awards are reported first in periodical sources so periodical indexes may also assist you to identify award winners.
For critical/analytical studies, perform a subject search in OneSearch using one or more of the following subject terms:
The following periodical indexes regularly contain citations to reviews of YA/children's books or research documents on the topic of children's literature, reading, etc. These can be accessed from the "Databases A-Z" link on the University Library home page.