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Civic and Community Engagement

Economic and Financial Data [A-L]

  • AMECO Annual Macro-Economic Database Contains economic data for EU member states, EU candidate countries and other OECD countries (United States, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Mexico, Korea, Australia and New Zealand).



  • DataMarket Provides access to thousands of data sets holding hundreds of millions of facts and figures from a wide range of public and private data providers including the United Nations, the World Bank, Eurostat and the Economist Intelligence Unit.


  • EconData Contains several thousand economic time series, produced by a number of U.S. Government agencies and distributed in a variety of formats and media.



  • FDIC Data & Statistics Access structural and aggregated financial information & quarterly reports on FDIC-insured institutions.




  • Labor Action Tracker  Icon Record of strikes and labor protests in the United State from Cornell University. Includes information on industries, number of participants, duration, and demands.

Economic and Financial Data [M-Z]




  •  Icon A website created under the Recovery Act to show the American public how Recovery funds are being spent by recipients of contracts, grants, and loans, and the distributio​n of Recovery entitlements and tax benefits. Create charts and graphs. Download cumulative data and access the Recovery API.








  • World Bank A compilation of international development indicators and socio-economic data.


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