ICTWSS DatabaseDatabase covers four key elements of modern political economies in advanced capitalist societies: Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts in 49 countries between1960 and 2010.
International Labor OrganizationInternational labor statistics, standards, key indicators of the labor market, labor force surveys, safety, work conditions, child labor, and labor legislation.
OECD Employment DatabaseContains international policies and data on employment, health, families and children, pension systems, international migration and other social policies and data. Downloadable files in Excel, CSV, PC-axis, or XML.
Social Security OnlineHighlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries. Public use data downloadable as TXT or SAS zip files.
Social protection systems (MISSOC)Provides detailed, comparative tables for social protection systems for 31 countries. Areas covered include financing, healthcare, sickness, maternity, invalidity, old-age, survivors, employment injuries and occupational diseases, family, unemployment, guaranteed minimum resources and long-term care.
UNCTAD StatInformation on international trade and economic development trends, markets, and labor force.