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Civic and Community Engagement

Labor Statistics



  • ICTWSS Database Database covers four key elements of modern political economies in advanced capitalist societies: Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts in 49 countries between1960 and 2010.


  • International Labor Organization International labor statistics, standards, key indicators of the labor market, labor force surveys, safety, work conditions, child labor, and labor legislation.

  • OECD Employment Database Contains international policies and data on employment, health, families and children, pension systems, international migration and other social policies and data. Downloadable files in Excel, CSV, PC-axis, or XML.

  • Social Security Online Highlights the principal features of social security programs in more than 170 countries. Public use data downloadable as TXT or SAS zip files.


  • Social protection systems (MISSOC) Provides detailed, comparative tables for social protection systems for 31 countries. Areas covered include financing, healthcare, sickness, maternity, invalidity, old-age, survivors, employment injuries and occupational diseases, family, unemployment, guaranteed minimum resources and long-term care.


  • UNCTAD Stat Information on international trade and economic development trends, markets, and labor force.


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