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Civic and Community Engagement

CSUN Partner Sites

California State University, Northridge has adopted the CSU S4 database for managing approved field trip sites, internships and service learning activities, including tracking a students placement at approved community organization’s sites, approved field trip sites and to collect students risk management forms and evaluations.



  • Service Learning Students should log in with their CSUN user name and password to place themselves at an organization’s site that has been approved by their professor, fill out a Student Learning Plan & Agreement for each site they will participate with, and complete Pre-Service Learning Evaluation & Post-Service Learning Evaluation. At the completion of the student’s service learning activities it is mandatory for students to upload their signed timesheet in to the database.
  • Service Learning Faculty should contact their college SOLAR Coordinator to request their course be identified as service learning before gaining access to database
  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password. Faculty can add specific organizations to their course page for students to select from or can place students at sites they have selected for them.




  • Field Trip Students should log in with their CSUN user name and password to complete all required field trip forms and upload required documents.
  • Field Trip Faculty from Biology and Geology will have access to the database beginning Fall 2016.
  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password to access field trip sites.




  • Internship Students log in using your CSUN user name and password to place themselves at an organization’s site that has been approved by their professor, fill out an Internship Plan & Agreement for each site they will participate with, and complete additional forms required by your professor.
  • Internship Faculty should have their course identified as an internship course before gaining access to their course in the database. See your department SOLAR coordinator.
  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password. Faculty can add specific organizations to their course page for students to select from or can place students at sites they have selected for them.


Service Learning and Field Trips


  • Service Learning Students should log in with their CSUN user name and password to place themselves at an organization’s site that has been approved by their professor, fill out a Student Learning Plan & Agreement for each site they will participate with, and complete Pre-Service Learning Evaluation & Post-Service Learning Evaluation. At the completion of the student’s service learning activities it is mandatory for students to upload their signed timesheet in to the database.
  • Service Learning Faculty should contact their college SOLAR Coordinator to request their course be identified as service learning before gaining access to database
  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password. Faculty can add specific organizations to their course page for students to select from or can place students at sites they have selected for them.




  • Field Trip Students should log in with their CSUN user name and password to complete all required field trip forms and upload required documents.
  • Field Trip Faculty from Biology and Geology will have access to the database beginning Fall 2016.
  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password to access field trip sites.


Internship Application Directions

  • Internship Students log in using your CSUN user name and password to place themselves at an organization’s site that has been approved by their professor, fill out an Internship Plan & Agreement for each site they will participate with, and complete additional forms required by your professor.


  • Internship Faculty should have their course identified as an internship course before gaining access to their course in the database. See your department SOLAR coordinator.


  • Faculty should log in with their CSUN user name and password. Faculty can add specific organizations to their course page for students to select from or can place students at sites they have selected for them


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