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- #BlackLivesMatter and Anti-Racism
- Academic Integrity
- Accessibility: Tips and Bad Examples
- Accessible Library Instruction
- Accounting & Information Systems
- Aerospace Engineering
- Affordable Learning $olutions
- Africana/African Studies
- AFRS 100: Black Studies and Culture
- AFRS 113A: University Writing
- AFRS 115: University Writing
- AFRS 151: Freshman Speech Comm
- AFRS 168: Intro to African Diaspora
- AFRS 300: Contemporary Issues
- AFRS 324: Contemporary Black Woman
- AFRS 325: The Black Male in Contemporary Times
- AFRS 344: Literature of the African and Caribbean Experience
- AFRS 366: Colonialism in Africa
- AFRS 368: Politics of Hip-Hop
- AFRS 451: Mass Communication in the African American Community
- AIS 101 - Introduction to American Indian Studies
- AIS 301 -American Indians and Pop Culture
- AIS 304: American Indian Law & Policy
- American Indian Studies
- ANTH 338: Anthropology of Africa
- Anthropology
- Anthropology 696A: Anthropological Research Design
- Art
- ART 114: World Arts: Asia
- Art 305: Art & Mass culture
- Art 315: World Perspectives in Art History
- Art 318: Survey of 19th and 20th Century Arts
- Art 413: History of Chinese Art
- Art 416: History of Ancient Near Eastern Art
- Art 420: History of Greek Art and Architecture
- Art 421: History of Roman Art and Architecture
- ART 462: History of Photography
- Art 468: History of Women in the Visual Arts
- ART 510: Historiography and Practice of Art History
- Art of Los Angeles
- Asian American Studies
- Assistive Technology Engineering
- Assistive Technology Studies and Human Services
- Autonomous Systems
- Biochemistry
- BIOL 327: Ecology and People
- BIOL 441L: Embryology Lab
- BIOL 462: Molecular Genetics of Eukaryotic Organisms
- Biology
- BUS 491CS Small Business Consulting
- BUS 497: Strategic Management
- Business Law
- CADV 452: Child Advocacy
- California Studies
- CD 450: Fluency Disorders
- CD 760: Research Methods in Audiology
- Central American and Transborder Studies
- ChatGPT
- CHEM 365L: Introduction to Biochemistry and Lab
- CHEM 422L: Chemical Analysis II and Lab
- CHEM 461L: Biochemistry I Laboratory
- CHEM 464L: Principles of Biochemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 465: Topics in Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Chicana and Chicano Studies
- Child and Adolescent Development
- CHS 151: Chicano Studies and Speech
- CHS 202: Race, Racism and Critical Thinking
- CHS 260: Constitutional Issues and Chicana/os
- CHS 261: Race, Racism and the Sciences
- CHS 365: Third World Women and the Chicana
- Cinema and Television Arts
- CIT 480: System Design and Implementation
- Citing Archival Materials
- Civic and Community Engagement
- Civil Engineering
- Communication Disorders and Sciences
- Communication Studies
- COMP 100: Computers: Their Impact and Use
- COMP 282: Data Structures & Algorithms
- COMP 542: Machine Learning
- Computer Science
- COMS 151: Public Speaking
- COMS 225: Argumentation
- COMS 312: Health Communication
- COMS 354: Communication and Technology/Lin Sun
- COMS 356: Intercultural Communication/Bernardo Attias
- COMS 356: Intercultural Communication/Lin Sun
- COMS 428: Freedom of Speech
- COMS 443: Rhetoric of Business
- COMS 446: Rhetoric of Crime and Punishment
- Construction Management
- Copyright & Intellectual Property
- Criminology & Justice Studies
- CTVA 100: Introduction to Mass Communication
- CTVA 210: Film and Television Aesthetics
- CTVA 220: Foundations of Media Writing
- CTVA 260: Introduction to Digital Filmmaking
- CTVA 301: Design of the Media Message
- CTVA 309: Film as Literature
- CTVA 310: History of American Cinema
- CTVA 315: New Directions in Electronic Media
- CTVA 331: Producing the Documentary
- CTVA 400: Media and Society
- CTVA 413: Women Filmmakers
- CTVA 416: The Documentary Tradition
- CTVA 475: Audience Analysis
- CTVA 500: Theory & History of Cinema/Electronic Media
- Data
- Data Management and Sharing Plans
- DEAF 200: Introduction to Deaf Studies
- DEAF 360: American Deaf Culture
- DEAF 412: Black Deaf Community
- DEAF 497: Deaf Studies Capstone
- Deaf Studies
- Dietetic Internship Program
- Digital Heritage Databases
- Diverse Community Development Leadership
- eBooks
- ECON 409: Introduction to Econometrics
- Economics
- Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (ELPS)
- Educational Psychology & Counseling
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Elementary Education
- EndNote Basic and Web of Science(WOS) workshop
- ENGL 115-30 University Writing
- ENGL 115-56 University Writing
- ENGL 205: Business Communication in Its Rhetorical Contexts
- ENGL 215: Critical Thinking About Research Writing
- ENGL 305OL: Intermediate Expository Writing
- ENGL 306OL: Report Writing
- ENGL 364OL: The Short Story
- ENGL 507: An Introduction to Graduate Studies in English
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental and Occupational Health
- EOH 353: Global Perspective of Environmental Health
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- FCS 255: The Fashion Industry
- FCS 380: Family and Consumer Sciences Foundations and Research
- FCS 411: Interior Design Studio V
- FCS 457: Fashion Retail Buying and Merchandising
- FCS 542: Theories of Family Development
- FCS 555: Textiles and Apparel in the Global Economy
- FCS 681: Research Methods
- Finance
- Finding & Citing Maps
- Finding and Accessing News Articles
- Finding and Using Images
- Finding Articles Using Open Access Resources
- GBUS 600: Analysis of Contemporary Organizations
- GBUS 698A: Graduate Project/Consulting
- Gender & Women's Studies
- GEOG 300: The Geographer's Craft
- GEOG 301: Cultural Geography
- GEOG 490: Senior Project
- GEOG 600: Geographic Thought, Analysis, and Research
- GEOG 696: Research Design
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geography
- GEOL 101: Geology of Planet Earth
- GEOL 497: Research Methods and Design
- GEOL 590: Literature Seminar
- GEOL 694: Graduate Thesis Research Design
- Geological Sciences
- Global Studies
- Guns in the United States
- GWS 100 - Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies
- GWS 220 Men, Masculinities, and Patriarchy
- GWS 302: Feminist Methods
- GWS 400 Senior Seminar
- GWS 495: Selected Topics in Gender and Women’s Studies
- Health Sciences
- HIST 192: History of Modern East Asia
- HIST 270- The United States to 1865
- HIST 301: The Historian’s Craft: Reading, Research and Writing History
- HIST 342 - The World Since 1945
- HIST 371: Problems in American History: 1865 to Present
- HIST 497A Los Angeles Neighborhoods
- HIST 630: Research Seminar in World History
- HIST 660- Cold War “Developments” in Latin America: USAID Gender, Race, Post-Coloniality
- HIST 671- Research Seminar Southeastern Borderlands
- HIST 674- Seminar Recent U.S. History
- History
- HSCI 345: Public Health Issues
- HSCI 438: International Health
- HUM 106 Cultural Eras II
- INDS 350: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdiscliplinary Studies & Liberal Studies
- IS 312: Information Systems for Business
- IS 435: Business Data Communication
- IS 451: Systems Development Project
- Japanese Language and Literature / 日本語
- Jewish Studies
- JOUR 365 News Literacy
- JOUR 372: Diversity and the Media
- JOUR 480: History of American News Media
- Journalism
- JS 318 Applied Jewish Ethics
- JS 335 Jewish Identity in the U.S.
- Kinesiology
- Library Closure
- Library Instruction Liaison Outreach Guide
- Library Instruction Support
- Linguistics/TESL
- Literature Review How To
- Los Angeles & the San Fernando Valley
- Management
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management
- Marketing
- Materials Engineering
- MATH 131 and 331: Mathematical Ideas and Explorations
- Mathematics
- ME 530: Mechanical Analysis of Solids
- ME 675A: Conductive and Radiative Heat Transfer
- ME 675B: Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
- ME 692: Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Mechanical Engineering
- MGT 450: Organizational Change and Development
- MGT 630: Human Resource Management
- MKT 304: Marketing Management
- MKT 346: Marketing Research
- MKT 440: Integrated Marketing Communications
- MKT 445: International Marketing
- Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures
- MPA 610: Seminar in Public Administration and Its Environment
- MPA 620: Research Methods for Public Administration
- MPA 632C: Communication in Public Organizations
- MPA 650: Seminar in Public Policy Process
- Multimedia Projects
- MUS 303: History of Popular Music in America: Money and Markets
- MUS 306: Introduction to Jazz
- MUS 307: Music From a Global Perspective
- MUS 309: Traditional Music of the U.S.
- MUS 310: Understanding World Cultures Through Music
- MUS 339B: German Diction
- MUS 419: Music Industry Foundations
- MUS 420B: Advanced Media Orchestration
- MUS 491: Psychology of Music
- MUS 580: Music Industry Developments
- MUS 601: Techniques of Music and Bibliography in Music
- Music
- Nursing
- OneSearch Search Tips
- PHIL 497: Senior Research Seminar
- Philosophy
- Physical Therapy
- Physics and Astronomy
- Political Science
- POLS 360: Public Administration
- POLS 372: Principles and Methods of Political Science
- POLS 403: State & Local Government
- POLS 405: Policy Framing & Agenda Setting
- POLS 420H: International Relations of Northeast Asia
- POLS 441: Interest Groups
- POLS 441A: Latina/o Politics
- POLS 444: Elections and Voting Behavior
- POLS 445: Political Behavior
- POLS 446: The Presidency
- POLS 464: Comparative Public Policy
- POLS 471C: Proseminar in International Relations
- Predatory (vs. Professional) Publishing
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Sector Management
- QS 113: Approaches to University Writing
- QS 151- Public Speaking
- QS 204: Queer Pop Music
- QS 208: Issues in Queer Health
- Queer Studies
- RE 412 Real Estate Practice
- RE 418: Real Estate Market Analysis
- Recreation & Tourism Management
- Religious Studies
- Research Strategies
- Resources for EOP Bridge
- Resources for High School Students
- RS 370: Religion and Ecology
- RTM 204: Introduction to Recreation Therapy
- RTM 300: Recreation and Community Development
- RTM 314: Hospitality and Customer Service
- RTM 330: Women, Leisure, and Ethnicity in the United States
- RTM 352: Play and Human Potential
- RTM 480: Recreational Tourism
- RTM 510: Trends & Issues in Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation
- RTM 610: Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism
- Scholarly Communications at CSUN
- Scholarly Sources
- SCI 100: Science for Life
- Search Assets
- Secondary Education
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Special Collections and Archives
- Special Education
- Streaming Video
- Student Clubs and Organizations Records (SCOR)
- SUS 698: Thesis or Graduate Project
- SUST 300: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sustainability
- Sustainability
- Systems and Operations Management
- Teacher Curriculum Center Digital Resources
- Teaching Commons: Frederick Douglass
- TH 108A: Acting I
- TH 143V: Voice for Theatre Performance
- TH 208A: Acting II
- TH 222: Mapping World Theatre and Drama
- TH 262: Fundamentals of Costume Technology
- TH 321A and B: World Theatre and Drama
- TH 325: World Drama and Performance
- TH 350: Cultural and Historical Perspectives for Theatre
- TH 355: Principles of Stage Design
- TH 362B: Intermediate Costume Crafts
- TH 381: Management Techniques for the Theatre
- TH 410: Indigenous Drama
- TH 433: History of the American Musical
- TH 600: Research Methods and Bibliography in Theatre
- Theatre
- Train, Create, Promote: A Resource Guide
- UNIV 100: Freshman Seminar
- UNIV 100: Sundial Transcription Project
- UNIV 396: Transfer Seminar
- Urban Studies & Planning
- Using Google Scholar and Library Resources
- Women in Science and Engineering
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